“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger you took me in…”
Matthew 25:35

Take-out dinner:  Every third Monday our church family is responsible to prepare and serve the free take-out meal at St. Peters Lutheran church (click on our “Resource” page for more details).  The free meal is available to anyone.  There is also free grocery items provided by a local food bank, toiletry items and articles of clothing available to take along when you leave.

**Donation needed:  for those who can help, the following non-food items are needed:  kleenex boxes, paper towels, napkins, paper plates, plastic silverware, trash bags, dishwashing liquid, sponges, sandwich bags, gallon bags, disinfectant, laundry detergent.
The following personal items are also needed:  deodorant, shampoo, conditioner body wash, soap bars, razors, tooth paste, tooth brushes, liquid hand soap, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper.
These items can be dropped off at our church and they will be delivered to St. Peters.

Shoe Collection 2024

Our pastor and congregation would like to thank the citizens of Highspire and the surrounding communities for their support of our spring shoe collection.  All totalled 192 pairs of shoes were donated and delivered to Mission Central in Mechanicsburg.  The shoes will be distributed within the Harrisburg area to organizations who support those in need.

Thank you to all who supported our holiday soup, chili and cookie sale.

All proceeds will be used to the maintainence of our worship space, but more importantly will allow our members and congregation to continue it’s work to support our local and global missions.

Our next sale will be on Saturday, October 23, 2024
**We will only have soup and chili available.


To everyone who supported our chicken bar-b-que and bake sale by purchasing a chicken dinner, a sweet baked good and/or the giving of a monetary donation.  All proceeds will go to the maintanence and up keep of our sanctuary and building as well as allow us to continue supporting the local community through educational and social activities.

April 20 – May 26, 2023: Highspire UMC sponsoring local college program.

Seed to Supper: Penn State master gardeners instructed local citizens how to grow their own vegetables on a budget.

Small Group Activities/Events:

Establishing community relationships through small group activities.  You do not have to be a church member to participate.  Anyone is invited.

**Check our calendar for upcoming events and join us for future activities.  Additional information is available by clicking on the event in the “upcoming events” calendar.


Craft Nights

Chicken Bar-B-Q

Trunk or Treat

Grief and loss group

Community fellowship walk

5th Sunday Social Lunch

Service in the Park